
All the values from the Material Design guidelines defined in resources for Android.


All the values in this documentation use the xml reference representation.

You can also use them programmatically using material.values.R

For example:

Xml reference Code reference
@color/material_color_green_primary R.color.material_color_green_primary
@dimen/material_list_two_line_dense_height R.dimen.material_list_two_line_dense_height
@dimen/material_elevation_card_raised R.dimen.material_elevation_card_raised
@dimen/material_typography_regular_title_text_size R.dimen.material_typography_regular_title_text_size

Missing values

If a section of the Material Design specs is not included, it may be because it has no values or is only available on desktop.

Note that the values for the following components are not available as they are already well implemented in Android:


Most of the visuals come directly from the Material design specifications, and are property of Google.