Metrics & Keylines

Baseline grid

Baseline grid

Baseline grid values are provided as multiples:

Half-increments are also available for centering elements:

It is recommended to use the baseline grid to specify component dimensions.



Increment values are provided as multiples:

The increment size is based on the app bar size.

Device type Size
Phone (landscape) 48dp
Phone (portrait) 56dp
Tablet 64dp

Every dimension relying on increments is provided alongside an @integer value so that a custom increment size can be used.

Half increments are also available for centering elements:

Content keylines


  1. @dimen/material_content_edge_margin_horizontal
  2. @dimen/material_content_secondary_edge_margin_start

Other keylines

Keyline Value
Toolbar iconography @dimen/material_baseline_grid_toolbar_icon
Typography @dimen/material_baseline_grid_typography

Want to display these keylines on your device?

Use one of the following apps:

Name Google Play Github
Material Keylines Google Play Github
Material Cue Google Play -
Keyline Pushing Google Play -

See also